
Requestsgetredirectedorrewrittenbya.htaccessfile.Ifyouhaverewriterulesinplace,it'swisetoaddanexclusiontothoserules.Thiswaywe'll ...,2016年2月26日—IsolveditwithoutusingRewriteCond.htaccessis:RewriteEngineonRewriteRule^beqr/(.,2023年1月9日—.htaccess-RedirectallURLswithoneexception...IwanttoredirectallURLsfromonedomaintoanother.SomeoftheoldURLshavenew ...,2020年8月31...

How to Exclude the .well

Requests get redirected or rewritten by a .htaccess file. If you have rewrite rules in place, it's wise to add an exclusion to those rules. This way we'll ...

htaccess rewrite exception directories

2016年2月26日 — I solved it without using RewriteCond .htaccess is: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^beqr/(.


2023年1月9日 — .htaccess - Redirect all URLs with one exception ... I want to redirect all URLs from one domain to another. Some of the old URLs have new ...


2020年8月31日 — I have the following rule in my htaccess. It redirects the root URL and any unfound urls/files to my Wordpress installation (subfolder). How ...

htaccess 301 redirect entire site but with exceptions

2010年7月30日 — I am trying to create an htaccess file to redirect my entire site except with some exceptions, but I can't get it working. I need to redirect ...

.htaccess, redirect all to bye.php, even with more slashes, ...

2019年11月11日 — I need, in .htaccess , redirect all behind domain, but even with more slashes and with slash or no slash at the end, but with one exception. For ...

How to create a redirect in the .htaccess file, with 2 ...

2017年8月29日 — 1 Answer 1 ... This states that for any URL that is not /abc or /abc-def-g and which does not map to a physical file or directory (ie. your static ...

Introduction to .htaccess Redirects

2020年9月3日 — The .htaccess file is used to create redirects more than just about any other function. Learn the basics of how to create redirects with the ...

Htaccess redirect all plus exception

2015年5月13日 — Hi,. I've got a very basic htaccess file that redirects all site traffic to a https version of a site: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond ...